Tack Room



Oswald has a huge range of horsewear for polo ponies. As well as manufacturing some items ourselves, like our match rugs and bespoke saddlecloths, we also stock a wide range of products from well-known brands such as HUSK, Le Mieux and Kentucky.

We specialise in bulk orders for polo teams and yards, as well as catering for the first-time pony owner who has to buy everything from scratch.


Tack & Leatherwork

Poorly fitting and heavy polo tack has a big impact on performance. We work with a few select polo tack suppliers to ensure your polo ponies are comfortable and able to perform at their best.

Rugs & Horsewear

Oswald stocks a wide range of horse rugs, suitable for every occasion, and a wide variety of budgets. We also bespoke manufacture "Best Playing Pony" rugs which can be printed in incredible detail and colour shade matched, which is a perfect option for club sponsors. New for 2024 is our new style of match rugs, which took months of development to ensure they are the best on the market.


Oswald stock a wide range of polo bits from well known brands such as Bombers and Ainsley. Our ambassador, Chris Milton, has a special interest in bitting options for ponies, so if you aren't sure what bit will be best for your pony, please do ask us and we are happy to advise.

Boots & Bandages

Ensuring our horse's legs are well cared for is a top priority for any polo player. For protection during the game, we sell well-known brands such as Husk and Le Mieux to ensure legs are well protected. We believe post-exercise care is equally important and studies scientifically prove that icing legs after games lowers tendon temperatures. This could prevent damage from overheating legs during play and it reduces the inflammatory response caused by exercise. Additionally, ice boots are an essential item to have in the tack room for injury management. For the ultimate leg care, we recommend Husk Boots for the game and Cryochaps afterwards.


We have a huge range of horsewear, so if you cannot find what you are after on our website, then please drop us a message, and we can let you know if we stock this item, or whether we can order it in.

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